What is lymphatic drainage? The lymphatic system is part of the immune system; it is a network of vessels, organs, and tissues that works together to move a fluid called lymph back into the circulatory system. It provides many functions, including ridding the body of waste and toxins, protecting against infections, and maintaining body fluid levels.
People sometimes think lymphatic drainage massage is a medical massage specifically for those with lymphedema, which is the buildup of fluid in the body’s tissues. However, this specialized massage is gaining popularity as it offers many benefits for everyone.
In this article, we’ll look at lymphatic drainage massage and the many health benefits it offers.
What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle, non-invasive type of massage that can have a tremendous effect on the body by stimulating the lymphatic system to encourage the movement of lymph fluids in the body.
When the lymphatic system is disrupted, lymph collects in the arms and legs, causing painful swelling called lymphedema. A massage therapist employs lymphatic drainage massage techniques to move lymph from tissues to the lymph nodes to reduce swelling.
During a lymphatic drainage massage, the massage therapist will use light, rhythmic movements to stimulate the lymphatic system. These movements cause the lymph fluid to move easily.
How Does it Work?
There are two steps to lymphatic massage. The first step is called clearing and uses gentle pressure to flush the area and release lymphatic fluid from tissues. Step two is reabsorption. At this stage, the lymphatic fluid is moved to the lymph nodes.
Lymphatic drainage massage uses a sequence of different massage techniques, including sweeping, circular, gliding, cupping, compressing, and stretching.
There are four types of lymphatic drainage massage commonly used. Each technique employs gentle movements to stretch the skin in the direction of lymph flow, and must begin at the part of the limb nearest to the body and move outward.
is the foundational technique of lymphatic drainage massage. It uses various sweeping hand motions on the area being treated.
is an extension of Vodder that alternates between circling hand motions and moments of relaxation.
Casley-Smith method involves circular strokes using the side of the hand. Finally,
is a technique that uses hand movements to collect and redirect the lymph fluid for reabsorption into the larger lymphatic system.
What are the health benefits?
A lymphatic drainage massage can be effective for many health conditions including, pain relief, digestive problems, poor circulation, headaches, allergies, hormonal imbalances, stress, and skin conditions like acne and rosacea.
Lymphatic drainage massage before and after photographs can also make it appear as though the client has lost weight. That’s because lymphatic drainage can reduce water retention and bloating for a slimming effect.
The evidence
Lymphatic drainage massage can decrease swelling and increase circulation throughout the lymphatic system. There is also evidence that it can help prevent the progression of lymphedema after breast cancer surgery.
This type of massage can also help people with fibromyalgia. Poor lymph flow can affect those with rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, people who have painful joints can benefit from the gentle stimulation provided by lymphatic drainage massage.
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a condition in which the valves in the leg veins don’t work properly, which prevents blood from flowing back to the heart and causing blood to pool in the legs. Lymphatic drainage massages can improve circulation to help blood flow through the valves in veins.
Book an appointment!
The Spa Scottsdale specializes in premier skincare and
massage services. Our massage therapists work with you to design plans that address your needs. Sessions usually last between one to two hours.
480-999-6200 or
book an online appointment to learn more!
7373 N Scottsdale Road
Suite A280
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
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